I don't think I ever sent you the pictures of our snowshoeing trip to Red Pine Lake this last spring. I was so thrilled that you could come. It was a gorgeous day and we had such a blissful time. We promised to do more things like that together. I wish we had.
I knew when you were assigned as my Visiting Teacher it was the result of pure inspiration. In the ward directory you had put mountaineering down as one of your interests. Finally, there was another girl in the ward who climbed. I looked forward to your visits so much. You became a true friend. I loved you wisdom, smile, and open friendliness. I wanted to be more like you. I still do. You spent hours stuffing my wedding announcements, you helped me pack. You were always right there, smiling, whenever I needed someone. You came to the temple the first time I went. I don't think you realize how much that meant to me. How much I loved that you were there. How did you know how to be such an amazing friend to someone you had only known for a little while?
We were going to going to go climbing together this summer. Life got so busy after the wedding. I wish I had remembered sooner. I am sorry.
The accident happened late Saturday night. You were driving home on SR-6 from southern Utah. Were you returning from a hiking/climbing trip? There have been countless late Saturday nights when I have been found on SR-6 headed home from another adventure. I hope you had fun. I hope it was wonderful. I hope you took one last moment to revel in the beauty of this earth.
I can understand how tired you three must have been. I can see how easy it would be for him to fall asleep. You were all probably trying to make it back in time for church in the morning. Somethings are more important than church. He tried too hard to correct his swerve and the car rolled. He and the other passenger are going to be just fine. You already are.
I am going to drive safer, I am going to be a better Visiting Teacher, I am going to be more like you, and I am going to miss you.
Katie, I'm sorry you lost your friend. Your words are very beautiful and perfectly appropriate.
Call me if you need anything.
Katie, I am so sorry for your loss. Your letter was beautiful and I am sure she feels your love. Love Spring.
Katie I'm sorry as well! I think I heard about this accident from my teacher in the preschool. Annie's family is in her ward. You are a wonderful friend to write her such a beautiful letter.
Thanks for being such a good friend to Annie and to the rest of us. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Katie, I am so sorry for your loss. Your letter was beautiful and I am sure she feels your love.
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