Keith and I kept on seeing road signs pointing the direction to a farmer's market. So one Saturday while running errands we followed those signs and were really excited about our find. Say hello to the State Farmer's Market; the best farmer's market I have ever seen. As a lady I met there explained to me in a thick southern accent: "this is one of our state treasures."
Just one section of the market.
The market is made up of three large buildings (and a few smaller ones) that house venders selling everything from produce, plants, baked goods, honey, jam, seafood, antiques, pots, etc. Although not all venders are there everyday, the market is open year-round seven days a week.

According to the pamphlet I picked-up, the market sells more food than any other place in the state. Much of this is caused by other grocers and restaurants buying food from here.

These bell peppers were 3 for $1. Sweet.

This sign made me smile.

This might be our favorite stop at the market. This farmer sells about 15 different varieties of apples and gives samples. Eating them brings me right back to our family orchard and the delicious apples we had there. Grocery store apples just can't compete (in taste or price).

I took some of these little beauties home and made a mighty tasty (low-phe) spread for sandwiches and crackers. Mmmmm.

The building with random decor items and antiques was really fun to walk through.

I love pretty pots.

And of course we have to include a picture of sweet Charlie (the grandparents wouldn't like it if I ended with out one). We are excited to take Charlie here the next few years and let him pick through the variety of tasty fruits and veggies that he can eat. When I look at the produce section in the regular grocery store I see limited options for Charlie's special diet. When I walk through this place I get so excited. Instead of one type of eggplant there are six! The same is true for squash, berries, apples, peppers, etc. For a severely restricted diet like his, this kind of variety is absolutely wonderful.
That looks amazing! I've never seen a purple pepper before!
Charlie is blessed to be in such a place as this, with parents such as these!! We are happy for all of you. One more reason for me to visit you this coming spring!
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