
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Charlie's New Ride

A variety of blessings allowed us to get a bike trailer at a steal. We love it!

Charlie was skeptical at first but warmed up to it quite quickly. Bottom-right: (And as soon as he did he signed for "more" food. Of course.)

For our first ride we went to the grocery store and around the lake. Charlie giggled over every speed bump and I simply enjoyed being on a bike again (without a way to take Charlie along my biking has been at a minimum). We are loving it!


  1. Sweet wheels, Charlie! I love his smile and can just imagine I hear him giggling from his little chariot.

    As always, I'm glad to hear you're having wonderful adventures.

  2. just can't get enough Charlie pictures!! So fun. Love you guys.

  3. Oh so cute!!!! I can just hear him giggling.
