
Friday, July 12, 2013

Fun Times Lately

It hasn't been all seizures and seriousness around here. With the aid of friends and parents we have been enjoying some good times too.
First professional pedicure. I felt a little silly about how happy my pampered and pretty toes made me whenever I looked at them. Funny story: Emily and Julia took me to get pedicures. After we picked out our colors we sit down in these fancy massage chairs. Part way through I start having a seizure and I could see that I was freaking out the sweet gal working on my feet. By the time the seizure was over all I could think to say was "It's not you. I have a brain tumor." I wish I had thought of that line back in my dating days.
Happy days at the park.

Fun cleaning. This is categorized as fun because Granny B let Charlie help (which he LOVED) and I didn't help much at all.

Rock skipping lessons and walks around the lake.
A tasty and wonderful Mother's Day.

Riding the train at the park.
First time on the carrousel. This was one of the few big smiles during the ride. Most of the time he just looked around like he was trying to figure it all out. Days later, out of the blue, he would say that he "had fun on train and carrousel" and "horse go up, down, round and round and round."
Swimming. Heaven for a pregnant lady in the summer. Charlie mostly likes sitting on the top step and splashing. And he LOVES his "froggy floaties."
A belated anniversary mini-canoe trip on the lake. It was soooooo nice.
Reading books in the play tent.

For the week of the 4th Uncle Shawn came down from Philly. From the 3rd to the 4th we went to Wilmington to play at the beach. It was great!
Charlie was fine in the water until he saw a "large" wave (at least that is how he would describe it) approaching. As he turned to run he slipped and fell. He started crying and that was the end of his willingness to do anything but be held or sit in the stroller. It may have scarred him for life.

Uncle Shawn and my handsome hubby catching a wave. The water was so nice!

Charlie vicariously making sand sculptures through me. I think he still had fun...


  1. Charlie is getting big! and you look gorgeous, Katie-did (Keith looks the same :) ). You guys are so good at getting out and seeing things. Love the pics.

  2. I love your toes! And I love what you told the girl, too cute!! Love you guys!

  3. I'm loving those purple toes! And thinking of you and Keith a TON. Our prayers are always coming your way! xo

  4. You're the funniest girl! :)

    Love the sweet picture of Charlie and Granny B on the carousel - so happy.

    Love and hugs to you!

  5. Hey, Katie! It's Michelle, Rusty's wife.

    My good friend Khimi had her epilepsy go haywire- lots of grand mals, several out in public...then she became pregnant. It was a stressful pregnancy for sure! If you ever want to talk to someone who's "been there", I'd be glad to get you two in touch!

    We are praying for you and your family! Keep treasuring the good times!
