
Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Lovely Thanksgiving Holiday

We have had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. It will be topped off with Jane's baby blessing tomorrow which will make it even better.

To be honest, there have been several times during the last few days when the knowledge that we are in the last week before the surgery has made it really hard to keep smiling. I keep finding myself thinking "When will the next time be that I can (crunch leaves, sing with Charlie, hold Jane, write a note, go for a walk, etc.)." There are times when the unknowns of my recovery scare me and make me want to just hide away while the anxiety sets in. When these moments hit I have come to find that the most effective way to pull out of it is to quickly pray for help and then repeat to myself "Now. Focus on now." I don't want to let fear rob me of the happy moments that are happening now. Several times each day as that lump grows in my throat and I want to sob and yell all at the same time (and sometimes I give in and just do), I force myself to breathe and focus on the good things that are happening right at that moment.

Why am I telling you this? For one, I don't want any one reading this, who is going through a tough time, comparing themselves to me based on what they read on this blog. I have learned (and am still learning) that it doesn't do any good to compare yourself to others, especially through a blog. Second, there are countless people out there praying and fasting for me, my family, and the doctors operating on me. I want you to know that your prayers and faith, along with the love of family and friends, is what keeps me from completely loosing it. Your prayers have not made my hard times go away, but they have made it so I can pull through them. Thank you.

Now on to the pictures!

Getting ready to chop onions... Keith means business...

Vegging out after the feast. We got together with several other young couples in our ward for Thanksgiving. There are four babies in this picture. Lovely Emily next to me (holding Jane) is expecting.
On both Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving we explored a couple of parks in our area.

Friday's walk around Lake Raleigh. When we put the mittens on Charlie, he insisted on having them clipped together. They made easy toddler handcuffs.

Charlie still can't resist a good set of stairs.

Crunching leaves!
Saturday's walk at Yate's Mill Pond with Granny B. It was beautiful!

Charlie watching the waterfall
Superdad carrying both kids


  1. Dear Kate, I surely do love the pictures. It really has been a precious time, a respite from the storms. I keep thinking of Pres. Monson's talk from October General Conference titled, "I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." I just love that scripture.. Your friends and family will not forsake you either., So "you hold on, don't you give up.". Love you ever so much and will see you in a couple days dear one. Love, mom

  2. We are praying and fasting for you! I love your dear family and sincerely pray for a quick and speedy recovery.

  3. We fasted for your family today. I have to tell you that even though I know you only a little, I have loved you through your blog and have loved Keith as my brother for years. I pray that you will heal quickly and that you know that Heavenly Father loves you. I have felt that through your blog for sure and in your comments while visiting Bonnie in Relief Society. He knows you and will take care of you.
