
Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas Bug!

I got too Skype with my "little" brother Alex (i.e. Bug) today. He is on a mission in Moldova. He told me that although they are next to Ukraine and Russia they haven't had much snow and do not have a white Christmas. When I told him that we did here in Utah he excitedly asked me to take pictures for him. 

Since you can read my blog, I am posting these for you Alex. Merry Christmas.

The backyard. 

The Merrill home.
Another shot from the backyard. 

The hummingbird nest in the front yard tree that had tiny eggs in it last summer. Grandpa Joe kept a close watch on them up until the little babies flew away. Hopefully more will come back to the nest next year.

Love you Bug! I hope you have a great and joy filled Christmas. I feel blessed to have you as my brother.