I have been so bad at taking photos lately; and there has been so much photo worthy stuff!
Beautiful snow! Especially at 7:45am when I am scurrying madly down 9th east in order to make it to my oh so boring animal nutrition class. BUT, Timp is just starting to turn pink on the top and it makes the cold morning walk all worth while.
Liz came and visited which created several photo worthy events. Including:
Rock climbing at the Quarry, where I conquered a fun overhang and I felt oh so awesome for a long time after that. In fact, I still feel awesome about that. Kudos to my belayer, Keith, who caught my fall and let me swing back for another go at it.
Wedding dress shopping! Oh yes! That is right, I found THE ONE. Deb, Liz, and I buckled down and got it done. We entered the store, grabbed dresses, and tried them on super speed style. Liz helped me climb in and out of the towers of white puff as the nice assistant got the next one ready. We flew through them one after another. Nope, nope, no, you have got to be joking... NO, and then... perfect. We found it. Well, Deb found it. It was the last one in stock and was on a mannequin, but Deb had them get it for me anyway. It needs a few alterations but I love it. Here is a sneak peak. I love the buttons going all the way down the back. You can't really see them, but they are there, and I love them. (Guys, stop rolling your eyes, you were warned up front). And yes, the train bustles. The front is great too, but this is a sneak peak; one photo only. Thanks to Liz for taking her camera.
Now it is raining. Steady and grey. Platter, platter, platter. Hmmmm, feels like home.
BEAUTIFUL!!! can't wait to see the whole thing! :)
Every time I see you in that dress, I love it more! And I think the two random tiny-boppers in the picture are pretty funny. I hope you get your snowshoeing wish tomorrow! I can't wait to see you again!
You chose well deary...Mary says so too. Exciting times for you!
Congratulations on the engagement! The dress looks beautiful! You know, my roommate is taking an animal nutrition class this semester, also. She must be in your class.
!!!!!! I can't wait to see the rest of it--it looks gorgeous.
I love your dress and please keep pouring on the girlie wedding details, I love it!
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