
Monday, January 12, 2009

Well-rounded Education

I am back in chilly Provo and thus have dove head-long into the beginning of the end. The end of my undergrad degree that is. Keith and I will graduate in April and be married the following day (April 25th) in the Bountiful Utah temple. Which means that along with plant cells, the Kreb cycle, post-baroque music styles, and apical meristems; I am also being educated on chiffon, princess-cuts, color palates, and hour devours this semester. I carry a copy of the LDS Bridal Guide (gotta love BYU) in my bag squished between the much heftier volumes of Plant Systematics and Plant Physiology. This whole wedding planning thing is much funner than I had previously thought it would be. Of course it helps to have a great family and future in-laws around ready and willing to help out.

On a side note, I have already had my first wedding "nightmare." I dreamed that I showed up on my wedding day having planned everything out to the last minute detail, except for my hair. I stood there in complete wedding dress... with a ponytail. And not a cute one. No it was one of those slept on, washed sometime yesterday, frizzy ponytails. And to top it off Keith had spilt grape juice on his sleeve. Oh, dear. I think it is too early in all of this to be having such dreams. And it kind of surprised me because I thought I had been pretty relaxed about the whole thing... Oh, well. It is probably nothing that a little snowshoeing in the mountains couldn't cure me of. At least it is worth a try...


greysquirrelb said...

Great entry....though I do hope your dreams get better :) Congratulations and best of luck getting ready to be sealed. How awesome. Love your pictures on your blog :)

Whitney Hardie said...

Too funny! I love how much you make me laugh. You are so grounded, I know this wedding thing will be a piece of cake for you.

And it only gets better after the wedding is over and marriage begins.

Miriam said...

Good luck Katie! Don't let the dreams bother will all come together :)