Baby giraffe.
Saturday evening Keith's brother Paul came for a welcomed visit on short notice. He and his family are en-route to Germany where he will be stationed as a flight nurse in the Air Force for a few years. He is shipping their van there from the port here in St. Louis and stayed with us for the weekend. Sunday was spent at church (we love our ward here!) and playing games at home. Monday, before getting his on a plane to Ohio, we all visited the St. Louis Zoo. Free, huge, and awesome.

I really hope Charlie likes the zoo when he gets a bit older, because I sure do!

He was great though and oh so cool looking. He really likes his sunglasses which surprised me.

This picture is for Dad.

Paul wanted a picture with these critters and Keith was all too happy to oblige him (click on the photo to enlarge).

I love watching the giraffes. So lovely, graceful, yet humorous.

The zebras were lovely too.

It was a hot day and most of the animals were laying out in the shade.

We, especially Keith, loved having an unexpected weekend to spend with Paul before he heads off. It was great.

As for Charlie, all the excitement was too much to handle.
1 comment:
I luv your blog! So cute! You will have to show me how to make mine more than just Come visit
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