I don't anymore.
He seriously changes so fast!
He prefers to get his clothes changed standing up. (He would prefer to have his diaper changed that way too, but it just won't work).
He will sit on my lap and have me read his three favorite books to him for seriously forever. I hold a couple up and he picks the one he wants. He gets upset if I start reading the other one. It was just last week that he got bored with reading after a couple minutes.
He is walking while holding our hands.
He LOVES to close doors.
He is mesmerized by the hand movements to "The Itsy Bitsy Spider."
He doesn't even flinch when getting his heel pricked for his blood test. He just watches.
He waves to himself in the mirror.
Everyday there is something new. I love it!
It's so true! They do change fast!
cute, cute, cute!
We need to Skype again!! Soon!! Before he changes too much!
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