I know. I am a week behind the blogging world with the Halloween posts, but oh well. Big stuff was happening this week, like
this, and
this, and
this (in case you missed them). But I didn't want to just skip over our fun, low-key Halloween.

Emily and Brad came over for dinner, games, and deluxe caramel apples. Brad began a PhD program in statistics at NC State this August. We moved into the ward at the same time and quickly became friends. Emily and I have been enjoying walking around the lake in the mornings and trying to convince their little guy to arrive (he was "due" to arrive on Halloween).

The apples were really good! Caramel, crushed candy bars, white chocolate, cinnamon and sugar. You know, the good stuff.

Charlie joined us for a bit but then headed to bed.

The apples may not look fancy, but don't be deceived. They were awesome. As was the candy we had for the trick-or-treaters that never came. Their loss.
Oh man, you are killing a pregnant lady over here. Those apples look amazing and I think I will dream of them tonight.
Katie, I love that adorable picture of you in the kitchen. So warm, so friendly, so Katie.
Man, I wish we could come over and make yummy apples covered in awesomeness with you! And more because we miss you...not because of the yummy apples.
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