The Saturday of Memorial Day weekend was just about as perfect as days come. Really. Days as good as this are rare and I never take them for granted. I tried my hardest to drink in every wonderful moment.
The weather was perfect so we took a ride along the Red River. There were trees and it was so green! It sure wasn't anything like the Fargo I knew!
Charlie loves his little trailer. It adjusts so it accommodates a wide range of kid sizes/ages and it allows him to help pedal when he wants (which he did the majority of the time). As a bonus, he also really likes the little water bottle holder on the side. He is looking very cool with his sunglasses and little "I got sweet ride and you know it" expression.
I pulled Jane in the bigger trailer. Technically it is made for two but it only worked for a little while before Jane got squished to the side by Charlie who took up (almost) the entire space. We put her little doll in there with her and she slept for most of the ride. (The main reason I pull her these days, while Keith pulls "the little Charlie that could," is that in case of a seizure the two wheels on the yellow trailer would make it more difficult to tip over.) Oh, and the picture in the upper right-hand corner is me in front of the first lilac tree I have seen here. It was where the trail ends and meets a neighborhood. I was pedaling further to find a spot wide enough to turn the trailer around in when I passed it. I had to stop and just smell it for a while. That smell takes me right back to my childhood summers at home. There were big lilac bushes covered in the sweet aroma of their beautiful flowers. We would often pick some and put them on the kitchen counter where the delicious smell would fill the room. I think heaven will smell like lilacs.

To top the day off, at the end of the trail we turned around and went a bit further to a big playground. We had snacks while Jane (who was rockin' the '80's look) and Keith discussed important things like the sunlight shinning on the tree leaves above them. After words the kids played while Keith rode back to where the truck was, drove it back to where we were, loaded up bikes and kids, and we drove off into the sunset (just kidding about that last bit). :)
1 comment:
Oh I love to see your beautiful smiling face, Katie! :)
That totally is a sweet ride for your Charlie too!
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