
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sweet Baby Jane

It is crazy to think that, as of this week, Jane is three months old! I had to do the math on that one several times before I could believe it myself. Time flies when you are having fun (and not getting much sleep). It also doesn't help that most of December is a blur to me. Good thing I have pictures!
Chillin' with her Uncle Joe.

Examining her newly discovered right hand.
Enjoying her newly discovered right thumb. Oh yum!
Sorry for the fuzzy picture. I just had to capture this moment when we found Jane sleeping like Charlie used to. Almost always she prefers to be swaddled.
Speaking of Charlie, he is becoming a fantastic big brother. His favorite part about being a big brother is definitely anything to do with cars and trucks (which is one of his favorite things in general). He loves "helping" to give Jane a bath, as you can tell. Today he told me he wanted to share his cars with Jane, which is Charlie's way of saying that he loves her.

We all do.


Deb said...

What a cutie! I can definitely see some similarities to Charlie. He seems like such a sweet big brother! (I always wanted a big brother when I was growing up!)

Spring said...

Jane is just absolutely beautiful!!! Such a sweetie pie!! Charlie is going to be the best big brother! And I love the picture of Joe sleeping next to her, so cute!