Missing them didn't keep us from having a great time!
The first day there Keith found these old wagon wheel hubs that he used to play with growing up. We took them for a spin. Although Keith was the most skilled by far, I could still hold my own even though it had been several years since I had done it last.
Charlie had a blast! Jane just liked running around with the stick.
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Left: Grandpa with his bonsai tree in progress Right: The family (minus Grandpa Joe who is taking the picture) |
The next day (Tuesday) was the long awaited Dinosaur Museum day. Charlie has been really into dinosaurs lately. He knows more about dinosaurs than I do (which isn't saying much, but still!). At night he will ask us to tell a story about a (fill in an obscure dinosaur name) and we have to ask him to tell us about it first.
The museum is big and wonderful. I went with my geology class back in my undergrad years and had a blast. Charlie, of course, wasn't as interested in the details as he was in the big displays of dinosaur skeletons. He actually correctly identified quite a few of them.
Near the end of the museum there is an extensive sand and water table the wove around the room like a river. It was steeper in some areas than others to create different water speeds. There were also a big collection of plastic dinosaurs to bury and uncover. When I came with my class we were supposed to create different types of river shapes and flow patterns, but this time it was much less technical.
When Keith and I joined in the fun we became focused on making a turn in a river that would uncover the dinosaur we had buried in a strategic spot along the bank. That was until Charlie rushed over and gathered the sand into a big volcano, into which he stuck a large plastic triceratops and made it explode.
Triceratops!!! Charlie's absolute favorite dinosaur.We, of course, had to take a picture in front of the prehistoric shark (megalodon?). Charlie was willing to cooperate at first (picture on left) but quickly wanted to move onto see what exciting things were waiting to be discovered in the next room.
Later that night Keith and I slipped away to go to the temple and dinner and Cafe Rio (yum!). On the way back we picked up some desserts from P.F. Chang's (yum!) and took them over to Dan and Becky's place. You know the kind of friends that you can be apart for months or years and when you get back together it is like you saw each other just last week? Yeah, they are that kind of friends. A trip to Utah just wouldn't be complete with out visiting them.
The third day we spent at the updated natural history museum on the BYU campus. It is always fun to see places I know so well be appreciated so much so that they are upgraded to be so much more than they were before. Even though the "before" was pretty cool too. The new and improved museum attracts a lot more people which I always love to see happen with a museum. Especially a natural history one.
They have done a great job with entire place and it continues to be improved upon. This is a part of the upstairs which is still in transition.

I love that they put two of my favorite quotes regarding our role in conservation on the walls of the museum.
My professors would pull out these versus of scripture (and others like them) frequently. And can I just say that I love, and never get tired of looking at that painting of Christ? I really want a copy someday. (hint, hint) ;)
After the museum we went home (where Granny B had kindly stayed with a napping Jane so we could go to the museum with just Charlie) and got some lunch. Charlie really hates loud noises. Like planes taking off, loud flushing toilets, blenders, etc. Jane doesn't mind though. Monkey see, monkey do.
That night, after we had laid Charlie down for the night, we went upstairs to play boardgames. During a break we found Charlie asleep on the stairs. He must have been curious about what was going on upstairs but too tired to stay awake on the stairs. He had a long day.
Thursday was zoo day!
Keith and I hadn't been to Hogle Zoo since Valentine's Day 2009, the year we were married. As an unrelated a side note, that was the first Valentine's Day that I didn't celebrate as SAD (Singles Awareness Day). Thanks Keith for being my first, and only, Valentine. ;)
Okay, enough with the lovey dovey memories and on to the fun.

I have never seen a giraffe bend over to drink. In all the documentaries they have always splayed their front legs out keeping them straight. I think someone should pay me to go around to a bunch of zoos, and then to Africa to compare how giraffes drink in the wild versus in captivity. Think I have a chance?
Right next to the giraffe enclosure was the ostrich at which Jane kept on yelling "duh!" (duck). Not quite.

It was a hot day! Even the elephants were feeling the heat. Interesting factoid (at least to me): swimming doesn't seem to be an automatic thing for elephants. The grandmother (who has passed away since our visit) and mother weren't born and raised around water so they won't get in to it to cool off. The daughter (and granddaughter) however was born at the Hogle Zoo where there is an elephant sized pool and loves playing in it.

The life sized dinosaurs (temporary exhibits) around the zoo fascinated Charlie. They moved and roared! He was especially entranced by the mommy and baby triceratops. He also had fun getting sprayed by the velociraptors.

Again with Charlie's funny faces for the camera. Love it.

Lion spotting.
We took a break to eat our lunch next to the carousel. Charlie made a bee line to the poison dart frog.

Taking the train ride around a section of the zoo.
Charlie our navigator; on the job even while riding on Dad's shoulders and obstructing Keith's view.
Don't ask what is going on with Jane's skirt, because I don't know.
Charlie's favorite was without a doubt the crocodiles.

Jane's favorite was definitely the seals and sea lions. I felt absolutely terrible when we needed to leave them. Oh how she wailed as I pealed her off the glass!
Back home Jane quickly went to her favorite spot at Granny B's and Grandpa Joe's.

I love this: Grandpa Joe discussing bird feathers to an enthralled audience.
Friday was the 24th (Pioneer Day, which is in fact an observed holiday in Utah)
Since we knew that practically anywhere we would want to go would be super crowded, we decided to spend a fun filled day chillin' at home.
We broke-in the new wading pool and Charlie, at least, spent the vast majority of the day in it.
No, not sleeping. Just taking a short break before returning to important matters: like childhood.
Saturday we toured our old stomping grounds.
The new life sciences building is AWESOME, but it is still a sad to see a big hole where the building was that held so many happy memories.
Jane takes walking very seriously while Keith and Granny B take a more relaxed approach.
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Left: When this duck grabbed the bread right out of Keith's hand Jane freaked, almost leaped into his arms, and wouldn't let Keith put her down until we were well passed them. |
Anyway... The next day was Sunday and we took the brief walk (yes, you read that right) to church. We had fun catching up with people and Granny B and Grandpa Joe had fun showing off the grand kids.
Then just like that, the week was over and were back on a plane headed back to Fargo. It was so fast but oh so good.
I haven't been looking at blogs lately (shame on me). I LOVED reading this! And wow, Jane looks so much like you. I love it. Such beautiful children!!
We had so much fun! Oh, how I miss all of you soooo much! Hugs and kisses from Granny B!
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